Fotografer Amatir Berhasil menangkap Objek Pesawat Atlantis yang melewati Matahari

Selasa, 12 Februari 20130 komentar

The back of the shuttle Atlantis and International Space Station can be seen passing in front of the Sun

Hanya 20 menit sebelum kembali memasuki atmosfer bumi, ini gambar yang mengagumkan pesawat ulang-alik Atlantis saat melewati matahari.
Namun foto ini tidak diambil oleh NASA, atau oleh seorang astronom profesional dengan menggunakan peralatan berharga jutaan dolar. Sebaliknya, foto jelas yang menunjukkan siluet kecil dari pesawat di depan matahari, ditangkap oleh fotografer amatir di halaman belakang rumahnya sendiri.

Luar biasanya, Fotografer Perancis Thierry Legault hanya mempunyai waktu 0,9 detik untuk memotret, namun masih berhasil mengabadikan pesawat ruang angkasa yang melesat dengan kecepatan 7.8km per detik sebanyak empat kali.

Diketahui, Legault memasang kameranya ke teleskop matahari, dengan filter surya untuk membantu mencegah masuknya sinar yang kuat yang dapat menghancurkan peralatan, dan duduk dengan sabar menunggu lebih dari satu jam, menyiapkan dirinya untuk menangkap gambar tersebut di daerah Emden Jerman pada 21 Juli lalu.

Sumber : dailymail

Quick draw: The four photos that make up this composite image of Atlantis
hurtling across the face of the sun were taken in less than 0.9 seconds

In this image only the silhouette of the Space Shuttle can be seen. It launched from Cape Canaveral on Tuesday and was pictured passing across the Sun on Wednesday

This image released last year showed the Space Shuttle Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope in silhouette in the lower left hand corne. The sun appears ghostly because in order for the picture to be taken a prism attached to the camera filtered out most of the sunlight

The Space Shuttle Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope are seen in silhouette (lower left hand corner). The sun appears ghostly because in order for the picture to be taken a prism attached to the camera filtered out most of the sunlight

This composite image was taken on July 15 and shows Atlantis docked at the International Space Station as it passes in front of the sun

Expert: Photographer Thierry Legault with his giant telescopic lens and specialised equipment that took the amazing picture

Thierry Legault in his back garden in Paris. The astrophotographer has captured impressive pictures of the sun

Astronaut Andrew Feustel works on the Hubble Space Telescope on the first of five STS-125 spacewalks

The Hubble Space Telescope will be replaced in 2014 by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope
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